New Patient Forms
New Patient Forms For a shorter time in the waiting room, please fill out the New Patient Forms and email them to us 24 hours before your scheduled visit to lauraspringer@yahoo.com.
Metabolic Assessment Form
This form can be used by the doctor to determine diet and nutritional support.
Neurotransmitter Assessment Form
This form can be used to assess nutritional and dietary support for the brain and nervous system.
Patient Handouts
Jump Start Your Car Exercise Sheet
Nutritional support and exercise tips to start your day energized.
Lifestyle Changes for Adrenal Stress Syndrome
Important lifestyle tips to reduce adrenal stress and fatigue.
Jet Lag Tips
How to avoid Jet Lag to make the most of your travels.
Immune Points – Chapman’s Reflexes Chart
Immune reflex points to rub to help boost the immune system.
Pelvic Exercises
Pelvic exercises to do first thing in the morning and before sleep to restore these muscles.
Putting Out the Brain on Fire
Sequence of steps to help with TMJ related problems.
Ileocecal Valve Syndrome
Tips for avoiding irritation when this valve is stuck open or closed.
This menu can be used as a guideline for planning your meals while on the Repair & Clear Program.
Coffee (Methylxanthine) Toxicity Syndrome
Find out how caffeine affects the body and how to counter-act this.
Repair & Clear Program Pamphlet
The six-week Repair & Clear Program targets two of the body’s key functions: digestion and detoxification.
RepairVite Program Pamphlet
The RepairVite Program is targeted to support intestinal health by removing inflammatory triggers and supplying specific nutrients.
Savvy Sleeping
Helpful tips, positioning and information for getting better sleep.
Supplementing with Hydrochloric Acid
Guidance for supplementing with Hydrochloric Acid for improved digestive health.
Take Charge Exercises
Exercises and stretches that can be done at home to improve strength and posture.
Understanding a Basic Blood Chemistry Report
Learn what each of the blood test values mean to better understand your health.
Home Care Instructions
Lower back pain care and instructions for using the Chiropractic Belt.